Short Ribs
Egg Noodles
Short Ribs
Season ribs to your taste with salt and black pepper. Place in braising pan or slow cooker with all other ingredients and braise at 275F until meat is tender and falls easily off of the bone – approximately 3 1/2 hours. Remove meat and allow to cool at room temperature until it is cool enough to pick with your hands. Strain braising liquid and refrigerate. When cool remove the fat from the top.
Melt butter over medium high heat. Sauté chanterelles until cooked and golden brown. Add reserved meat. Add 2 cups of reserved braising liquid and reduce by ¾’s to ½ of a cup. Add spinach and let wilt. Add parsley and crème fraiche, stirring to incorporate completely. Allow to reduce for two minutes or until thickened.
Toss with your favorite egg noodles. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Egg Noodles
Use well method. Roll out to second thinnest setting. Cut wide strips. Form nests and allow to dry. Simmer until cooked and add to sauce.